Easy to Eat, Easy to Earn.
Jay Louricas, Eric Martin, and Jackie Page met at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. As fellow entrepreneurship majors and teammates on the universities competitive entrepreneurship team, they soon became close friends. As freshman in college Jay and Eric came up with the idea to delivery meals from the campus dining halls to the dorms for a small fee. Given that college kids are inevitably lazy, and walks to the dining halls can be very cold in Minnesota, it was a hit. While running what was originally called "LazyDay Delivery", they started to realize how many meals students skipped or ordered from an off campus restaurant out of laziness, long lines, and cold walks.
They later realized that this was even more of an opportunity for the universities than it was the students, and they went to work on CampusBites. They brought in Jackie (who in the mean time became an award winning entrepreneur herself), and set out change on-campus dining forever.