Kitchen Display System

Our "3 touch" kitchen system receives all CampusBites orders in real time, allowing the kitchen staff to easily see, acknowledge, and prepare orders with little to no additional effort.

The most important system is the CampusBites Kitchen Display System. This is the heart of your CampusBites Kitchen as this system is responsible for receiving all CampusBites orders from the app, online, and contactless systems. Here, the kitchen staff can clearly see and accurately prepare the orders accordingly.

Our kitchen system is focused on simplicity. We do not want to make chef/cook's life harder than it already as. Our 2-touch system allows you tap an order once you have started preparing (which notifies the customer if the order was placed from the app), and another tap once the order is complete, letting the customer know it is ready.

The kitchen can also throttle (slow) orders if the kitchen is becoming overwhelmed, as well as pull reports, and revisit passed orders. Once the order is complete, kitchen staff can set the order on the CB pickup shelf, or hand it off to the customer.

CampusBites makes it easy to eat, and easy to earn!

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